Violenta protesta contra extremismo islámico en Alemania

13 de Mayo de 2024

Violenta protesta contra extremismo islámico en Alemania

Germany Far-Right Protest

A police van is overturned during a demonstration in Cologne, Germany, Sunday Oct. 26, 2014. A demonstration by German far-right groups has erupted into violence in the heart of the western city of Cologne. Police say they are using water cannons and pepper spray in an attempt to calm the situation after protesters threw bottles and fireworks at officers. Police spokesman Andre Fassbender says there are no figures on injuries or arrests yet. Some 2,000 people attended the demonstration Sunday directed against Islamic extremism. It was organized by neo-Nazi groups and members of Germany’s football hooligan scene. ( AP Photo/dpa,Caroline Seidel)


Caroline Seidel/AP

A police van is overturned during a demonstration in Cologne, Germany, Sunday Oct. 26, 2014. A demonstration by German far-right groups has erupted into violence in the heart of the western city of Cologne. Police say they are using water cannons and pepper spray in an attempt to calm the situation after protesters threw bottles and fireworks at officers. Police spokesman Andre Fassbender says there are no figures on injuries or arrests yet. Some 2,000 people attended the demonstration Sunday directed against Islamic extremism. It was organized by neo-Nazi groups and members of Germany’s football hooligan scene. ( AP Photo/dpa,Caroline Seidel)

La poicía recurrió a cañones de agua y gas irritante para tratar de calmar la situación


Una manifestación organizada por grupos de extrema derecha de Alemania contra el extremismo islámico derivó en violencia el domingo, cuando algunos manifestantes se enfrentaron con la policía en el centro de la ciudad de Colonia.

La policía informó que recurrió a cañones de agua y gas irritante para tratar de calmar la situación, después de que algunos manifestantes arrojaron botellas y petardos a los agentes.

El portavoz policial Andre Fassbender dijo que no había cifras sobre heridos ni arrestos todavía.

Unas 2.000 personas asistieron a la manifestación, organizada por grupos neonazis y miembros de los hooligans del fútbol alemán.

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